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Hey, I’m David Pereira, a product leader tired of bullshit.

Life’s too short to waste our time doing things that create no value. I’m on a mission to help product people overcome bullshit management and start having fun at work. Believe me, that’s possible :)

Why should you hear from me?

For 15 years, I’ve been playing this game, from Brazil to Germany, from start-ups to scale-ups. I’ve faced so many blows that I can count. I care about you, so I share all of my mistakes so your journey isn’t as tough as time.

Let’s rock it together!

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This is a newsletter about hope. You'll get insights to apply today for a better tomorrow. Content direct from the trenches. No fluff, just real stuff.


Passionate product person who strives daily to become a better professional. Product coach, book author, and keynote speaker. Married, happy, and optimistic