I like this article because I totally see your point of view and strongly agree that losing time is not an option; on the other hand, pragmatism could be a double-edged weapon.
I saw people frequently jump between Proof of Concepts, quick developments without evaluations or refactoring, and being driven by the new piece of tech instead of business value, bringing all of these under the flag of pragmatisme.
What I just described are probably the symptoms of an unambiguous strategy and vision. It's crucial to balance pragmatism with a clear direction, as it's easy for people to play the card of pragmatism, showing all the millions of things that have been done, even though the value for the customer is zero.
I like to think of 'planned pragmatism' as the middle way; the PM should keep the two on balance.
Pragmatism for me means: Using available expertise and knowledge to progress, which entails learning from reality and adapting accordingly.
Pragmatism isn't an excuse to doing things poorly and ignore critical aspects. Yet, I do not recommend teams to invest deeply on something they lack substantial evidence. I vouch for incremental bets, choosing what to drop and what to sharpen it further :)
I like this article because I totally see your point of view and strongly agree that losing time is not an option; on the other hand, pragmatism could be a double-edged weapon.
I saw people frequently jump between Proof of Concepts, quick developments without evaluations or refactoring, and being driven by the new piece of tech instead of business value, bringing all of these under the flag of pragmatisme.
What I just described are probably the symptoms of an unambiguous strategy and vision. It's crucial to balance pragmatism with a clear direction, as it's easy for people to play the card of pragmatism, showing all the millions of things that have been done, even though the value for the customer is zero.
I like to think of 'planned pragmatism' as the middle way; the PM should keep the two on balance.
Pragmatism for me means: Using available expertise and knowledge to progress, which entails learning from reality and adapting accordingly.
Pragmatism isn't an excuse to doing things poorly and ignore critical aspects. Yet, I do not recommend teams to invest deeply on something they lack substantial evidence. I vouch for incremental bets, choosing what to drop and what to sharpen it further :)